Hi guys today I am doing my top 10 Big Bang Theory episodes ever this is incredibley hard as every episode is so funny! Please write and follow me on Twitter my name is Jonah Martyn Broom ok heres my list.
10. The Luminous Fish Affect
9. The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification
8. The Tenure Turbulance
7. The 21 Second Excitation
6. The Terminator Decoupling
5. The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization
4. The Nerdvana Annihilation
3. The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis
2. The Creepy Candy Coating Corally
Ok I have given this a lot of thought and It is
1. The Vartabedian Conundrum
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Hi there I am Jonah Broom 11 year old Blogger. I am trying to get famous by Blogger please help me get there. For my Birthday in December I will be getting a PC Tower computer so I can write lots of stuff aday
Saturday, 5 July 2014
The Haunted Hathaways Nickelodeon Pilot Review
This programme was funny but incredibley dodgy!
The dodgy stuff that featured in it was
1. A black cat wich is used for Voodoo I dont think its a coincidence it was in the episode.
2. The lights went dark and a man walked past might scare young kids.
3. House possesed with kids and Dad.
4. Dissapering out of nowhere.
5. Can suck each other through vacum.
6. Can pull there head off.
7. Can put there head through a wall.
8. Being possesed.
9. Can Levitate.
10. Can make stuff appear from nowhere.
11. Voo Doo exorcist.
12. Can have loads of hands.
13. Crystal ball used.
14. Possesed again.
This programme was funny but very very dodgy do not watch this episode or any of them believe me!
The dodgy stuff that featured in it was
1. A black cat wich is used for Voodoo I dont think its a coincidence it was in the episode.
2. The lights went dark and a man walked past might scare young kids.
3. House possesed with kids and Dad.
4. Dissapering out of nowhere.
5. Can suck each other through vacum.
6. Can pull there head off.
7. Can put there head through a wall.
8. Being possesed.
9. Can Levitate.
10. Can make stuff appear from nowhere.
11. Voo Doo exorcist.
12. Can have loads of hands.
13. Crystal ball used.
14. Possesed again.
This programme was funny but very very dodgy do not watch this episode or any of them believe me!
New Nickelodeon Programme Advert Review Every Witch Way
This new programme looks horrible and disqraceful. I am quite frankly sick of Nickelodeon trying to make kids think that stuff like this is acceptable well its not. I am a Christian and 11 and a half ( 21 December B-day) and I am very sick of this. First The Haunted Hathaways, then Jinxed now this in haunted hathaways you see people getting possesed and ghosts and horrible stuff like that and this new programme is saying that spells is ok and witchcraft this is terrible do not watch this programme you will thank me one day! This type of stuff is Satanic stuff especially The Haunted Hathaways. God warns us away from this stuff because once your into one of them its hard to get out. Nickelodeon in the last year have done more stuff like this and I am very interested to know what the director has also done. Everyone dont watch this just dont its terrible and is bassically saying Witchcraft and spells is ok and The Haunted Hathaways is saying being possesed and ghosts they tried to make it look cool its getting worse and it will do just dont watch these programs I am warning you everyone just dont soon I might watch a full episode and explain what is wrong in it
Victorious Series 2 Complete Review
1. Beggin On Your Knees. This episode is hilarious when Tori is dating someone who is just dating her so they can be partners on a project and he can get an A then he will dump her but instead Tori finds out and I wont tell you what happens but it is brilliant one of my favourites and Robbie tries to change his image so you know that will be hilarious I rate this episode 9/10 one of the best ever made definetely!
2. Beck Falls For Tori. When I first saw the title I thought he liked her not literally falls for her. Sikowitz gets Tori a movie audition but she gets casted as a stund double because she lied on her resume and she has to fall off a chair through a railing 40 feet down and as we know Tori is going to be a little nervous. Not a bad episode I would watch it its very funny this is the main thing going on in this episode so I rate this episode 9/10.
3. Ice Cream For Ke$ha. Ke$ha is running a contest for ice cream in every tub you get a letter first one to spell Ke$ha wins a private concert by her and Trina said if Tori can get her a private concert by her she can stop being her personal slave for a month. This episode just has one main storyline as all of them are just trying to find the letters but its absouloutely hilarious 8/10.
4. Tori Gets Stuck. Robbie has a toy car stuck in his butt so someone needs to donate blood for Robbie. Tori is the only one who has his blood type but she is starring in a play that night and Jade is the under study in the end Tori ends up giving 3 pints of blood and Sikowitz does the play wich is hilarious. One of the best of the season 9/10 for me guys definetely watch it now!
5. Prom Wrecker. Tori books her Prom on the same night as Jades play so now Jade cant do her play so she is out for revenge by trying to ruin her Prom but it doesnt work meanwhile Andre has a Girlfriend who is just obsessed of kissing him thats all she does all so Jade ses there has never been a Prom but in the Pilot Rex ses that Cat got rejected at Prom last year so they screwed up there a bit. Very funny in top 3 of this season 9/10.
6. Locked Up. The kids from Hollywood Arts go on a trip to Yerba if they sing and dance they get to stay there for free but it turns out its a horrible country and when they are singing Toris shoe flies off and hits the chanccelor in his one good eye and she gets put in prison and after that Robbie kills his Octapus and they all get put in prison. Very mad and bizzare but the best of series 2 by far and this is a 2 part 45 minuete episode 10/10 for me easy!!!
7. Helen Back Again. Helen who runs the movie theatre in Drake and Josh goes off to bethe new principal of the school but she gets a mixup and kicks Tori out instead of Trina will Trina go? Will Tori go? What will happen in this brilliant episode this episode is a 8/10 for me.
8. Who Did It To Trina. Trina falls in Toris play after the ropes snap wich you find out that Rex was the one who did it wich is impossible and very very weird. This episode is just one scene really the whole way through and also Freddie from Icarly makes an appearcence in the crowd of the play. 7/10 not brilliant but still funny.
9. Tori Tortues Teacher. Its Sikowitz 10 year anniverary at Hollywood Arts so they take him to a play but its a play about a guy who is like Sikowitz in the play he gets a message off his girlfriend breaking up with him but they think hes upset about the play. 9/10 very funny not one of the best but pretty good.
10. Jade Gets Crushed. Andre develops a crush on Jade after writing a song with her. Meanwhile Robbie is tutoring Tori for a tech class and Tori does better than Robbie did and got the best score ever. Very very funny one of my top 5 favourite episodes of Victorious definetely 10/10 for me.
11. Terror On Cupcake Street. Sikowitz and the Hollywood Arts group make a float for a parade and the float is a giant cupcake but it brakes down very late at night and in a very rough neighbourhood. Pretty funny but after you have watched it once or twice it gets a little bit boring. 8/10!
12. Blooptorious this is the series finale its not very good I dont like it at all 5/10.
This series is a 8/10 for me and its only £5 so if I were you buy it definetely. Hi I just want to talk to you for a minuete about a dodgy new Nickelodeon programme its called Every Witch Way it is wicked and not in a good way Satanist wicked I am sick of them trying to get kids used to this I am 11 and a Christian and I will not stand for this first Haunted Hathaways where people get possesed wich is horrible then that film Jinxed no this I am getting sick of them trying to make kids think oh its ok to watch when its not do not let your kids watch this for me the adverts look horrible I might review it soon not in a good way though believe me !
2. Beck Falls For Tori. When I first saw the title I thought he liked her not literally falls for her. Sikowitz gets Tori a movie audition but she gets casted as a stund double because she lied on her resume and she has to fall off a chair through a railing 40 feet down and as we know Tori is going to be a little nervous. Not a bad episode I would watch it its very funny this is the main thing going on in this episode so I rate this episode 9/10.
3. Ice Cream For Ke$ha. Ke$ha is running a contest for ice cream in every tub you get a letter first one to spell Ke$ha wins a private concert by her and Trina said if Tori can get her a private concert by her she can stop being her personal slave for a month. This episode just has one main storyline as all of them are just trying to find the letters but its absouloutely hilarious 8/10.
4. Tori Gets Stuck. Robbie has a toy car stuck in his butt so someone needs to donate blood for Robbie. Tori is the only one who has his blood type but she is starring in a play that night and Jade is the under study in the end Tori ends up giving 3 pints of blood and Sikowitz does the play wich is hilarious. One of the best of the season 9/10 for me guys definetely watch it now!
5. Prom Wrecker. Tori books her Prom on the same night as Jades play so now Jade cant do her play so she is out for revenge by trying to ruin her Prom but it doesnt work meanwhile Andre has a Girlfriend who is just obsessed of kissing him thats all she does all so Jade ses there has never been a Prom but in the Pilot Rex ses that Cat got rejected at Prom last year so they screwed up there a bit. Very funny in top 3 of this season 9/10.
6. Locked Up. The kids from Hollywood Arts go on a trip to Yerba if they sing and dance they get to stay there for free but it turns out its a horrible country and when they are singing Toris shoe flies off and hits the chanccelor in his one good eye and she gets put in prison and after that Robbie kills his Octapus and they all get put in prison. Very mad and bizzare but the best of series 2 by far and this is a 2 part 45 minuete episode 10/10 for me easy!!!
7. Helen Back Again. Helen who runs the movie theatre in Drake and Josh goes off to bethe new principal of the school but she gets a mixup and kicks Tori out instead of Trina will Trina go? Will Tori go? What will happen in this brilliant episode this episode is a 8/10 for me.
8. Who Did It To Trina. Trina falls in Toris play after the ropes snap wich you find out that Rex was the one who did it wich is impossible and very very weird. This episode is just one scene really the whole way through and also Freddie from Icarly makes an appearcence in the crowd of the play. 7/10 not brilliant but still funny.
9. Tori Tortues Teacher. Its Sikowitz 10 year anniverary at Hollywood Arts so they take him to a play but its a play about a guy who is like Sikowitz in the play he gets a message off his girlfriend breaking up with him but they think hes upset about the play. 9/10 very funny not one of the best but pretty good.
10. Jade Gets Crushed. Andre develops a crush on Jade after writing a song with her. Meanwhile Robbie is tutoring Tori for a tech class and Tori does better than Robbie did and got the best score ever. Very very funny one of my top 5 favourite episodes of Victorious definetely 10/10 for me.
11. Terror On Cupcake Street. Sikowitz and the Hollywood Arts group make a float for a parade and the float is a giant cupcake but it brakes down very late at night and in a very rough neighbourhood. Pretty funny but after you have watched it once or twice it gets a little bit boring. 8/10!
12. Blooptorious this is the series finale its not very good I dont like it at all 5/10.
This series is a 8/10 for me and its only £5 so if I were you buy it definetely. Hi I just want to talk to you for a minuete about a dodgy new Nickelodeon programme its called Every Witch Way it is wicked and not in a good way Satanist wicked I am sick of them trying to get kids used to this I am 11 and a Christian and I will not stand for this first Haunted Hathaways where people get possesed wich is horrible then that film Jinxed no this I am getting sick of them trying to make kids think oh its ok to watch when its not do not let your kids watch this for me the adverts look horrible I might review it soon not in a good way though believe me !
Icarly IGo To Japan
Carly, Sam and Freddie get nominated for an award of best comedy and the show is in Japan so they get an all expenses paid trip to Japan Spencer and Mrs Benson also come with them but when there competition leaves them in the middle of nowhere so Icarly wont win what will happen will they get there will they win this is my favourite Icarly episode ever made it is so so funny just bizarre and brilliant especially when they are forced to jump out of a plane into Japan that is just ridiculous but very funny
Icarly IParty With Victorious Dvd Review
This Dvd only features one episode wich is IParty With Victorious its a very funny episode where the cast of Icarly and Victorious meet up together and at the end perform Leave It All To Shine. The episode is mostly Icarly when Carlys Boyfriend is cheating on her with Tori Vega from Hollywood Arts he said he went there to spend a month with his Dad really he went to see his other Girlfriend Tori Vega this episode is very funny great comedy interesting and entertaining you will love this Dvd so much I rate this episode 10/10 one of the best ever
Sam And Cat Has Ended
The popular kids Nickelodeon program which won funniest programme at the Kids Choice Awards has now ended because Jennette Mccurdy put inapropiatte pictures of her self on the internet so they have ended it which really sucks as it is such a great programme and there isnt many new good ones out anymore well Wendell and Vinnie is funny but still not as good as this
Jennete Mccurdy And Lucas Cruishank Are Getting Married What The Heck
Hi guys please can you view my stuff for me and tell your family and mates whoever please help.
Hi everyone today I went on my Twitter page and saw that Jenette Mccurdy had put up " finally I can call myself Mrs Cruishank I have been waiting for this day since I was 15" and a picture of them kissing how weird is that especially since I thought Lucas was gay after looking at his YouTube account you would think so to oh well very weird bye for now guys!
Hi everyone today I went on my Twitter page and saw that Jenette Mccurdy had put up " finally I can call myself Mrs Cruishank I have been waiting for this day since I was 15" and a picture of them kissing how weird is that especially since I thought Lucas was gay after looking at his YouTube account you would think so to oh well very weird bye for now guys!
Friday, 4 July 2014
Icarly IGo One Direction Dvd Review
1. IGo One Direction. When the British Pop band come to America things get a little crazy Harry catches Jungle worms off Carly and becomes very sick Gibby goes mad as he loves One Direction and Sam tries to attempt to flirt with Liam what will happen? This is one of my favourite episodes 10/10 easy!
2. IOpen A Restaurant. Gibby finds a basement under neath the school and opens a resaurant there called Gibbys. This is one of the bizzarest funniest episodes ever I like Gibby lots I wish he had more story lines whenever he had a big story line it was hilarious this episode for me is 9/10.
3. IHalfoween. The Icarly gang decide to create a holiday halfway to Halloween called Halfoween. When Nevel comes as a robot with a voice disquiser the Icarly gang have candy off him which makes there voice go weird very funny 10/10!
4. IPear Store. Freddie gets a job working at the Pear store but when Sam comes and manages to sell 2 laptops the salesmen fires Freddie and hires Sam who does great but in the end she quits cause we all know how much she likes Freddie. This episode for me is a 8/10
5. IBattle Chip. When Chuck Spencers Rival is sent away to Military School Spencer is left to battle his evil brother Chip meanwhile Gibby buys a awesome laser gun which gets broken but Freddie fixes it and turns it into a real laser very funny very mad great episode one of the best 10/10 always for me!
This Dvd is very funny its basically Series 5 but missing IApril Fools which is a shame but 10/10 its a very rare Dvd so quite hard to find obnly avalible in Australlia I purchased this off Amazon for £14
2. IOpen A Restaurant. Gibby finds a basement under neath the school and opens a resaurant there called Gibbys. This is one of the bizzarest funniest episodes ever I like Gibby lots I wish he had more story lines whenever he had a big story line it was hilarious this episode for me is 9/10.
3. IHalfoween. The Icarly gang decide to create a holiday halfway to Halloween called Halfoween. When Nevel comes as a robot with a voice disquiser the Icarly gang have candy off him which makes there voice go weird very funny 10/10!
4. IPear Store. Freddie gets a job working at the Pear store but when Sam comes and manages to sell 2 laptops the salesmen fires Freddie and hires Sam who does great but in the end she quits cause we all know how much she likes Freddie. This episode for me is a 8/10
5. IBattle Chip. When Chuck Spencers Rival is sent away to Military School Spencer is left to battle his evil brother Chip meanwhile Gibby buys a awesome laser gun which gets broken but Freddie fixes it and turns it into a real laser very funny very mad great episode one of the best 10/10 always for me!
This Dvd is very funny its basically Series 5 but missing IApril Fools which is a shame but 10/10 its a very rare Dvd so quite hard to find obnly avalible in Australlia I purchased this off Amazon for £14
IFight Shelby Marx Dvd Review
1. IFight Shelby Marx. This episode is hilarious best ever Carly is challenged to a fight by Tori from Victorious who in this is Shelby Marx CFC Champion. She is the best female fighter in the entire world but when Carly gets pushed and tackles Shelbys grandmother by accident what will happen especially when Nevel comes into it. 10/10 BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!
2. IDate A Bad Boy. This episode is brilliant when Carly starts dating a bad boy who tried to steal Spencers motorbike she finds out he has a very weird hobby of collecting Pee Wee Babies little plush toys for 3 year olds such a great episode meanwhile Freddie is building Sam a website which you know is going to be funny I rate this episode 10/10 Brilliant, Funny and just incredible.
3. ILook A Like. When Carly, Sam and Freddie pay 3 people who look like them to stay in there house while they sneak out to go to a MMA fight and interview MMA fighter Jackson Colt who almost kills Spencer this episode is funny mad and crazy just a brilliant episode overall 10/10
This Dvd is so funny 10/10 you have to buy it if you dont your a jerk! ( just kidding maybe)
2. IDate A Bad Boy. This episode is brilliant when Carly starts dating a bad boy who tried to steal Spencers motorbike she finds out he has a very weird hobby of collecting Pee Wee Babies little plush toys for 3 year olds such a great episode meanwhile Freddie is building Sam a website which you know is going to be funny I rate this episode 10/10 Brilliant, Funny and just incredible.
3. ILook A Like. When Carly, Sam and Freddie pay 3 people who look like them to stay in there house while they sneak out to go to a MMA fight and interview MMA fighter Jackson Colt who almost kills Spencer this episode is funny mad and crazy just a brilliant episode overall 10/10
This Dvd is so funny 10/10 you have to buy it if you dont your a jerk! ( just kidding maybe)
Icarly ISpace Out Dvd Review
This Dvd is very funny and cheap and great for kids 10/10 the episodes are
1. ISpace Out. The Icarly gang gets the chance to film a webcast in space but they have to stay in a pod for 36 hours without food its very funny one of my favourites will they get to go up to space will Sam eat ribs will Freddie die? This episode for me is a 10/10!
2. IWas A Pagaent Girl. Sam admits she used to be in Pagaents and she does one last one and her old teacher is there who in Victorious goes by the name Lane and he does a pretty cool dance with her so very funny really that Sam was in Beuty Pagaents this episode for me is a 8/10.
3. IEnrage Gibby. When Freddie tries to help Gibbys Girlfriend she accidently trips on him and Gibby thinks that they were making out with each other so Gibby wants to fight him but it ends brilliantly with no fights. This is a pretty good one not brilliant but still hilarious I rate it 9/10.
4. IFix A Popstar. Sam, Carly and Freddie try to fix a old Popstar phenom Ginger Fox when she performs live she cant even sing the words and she has armpit hair so very funny meanwhile Spencer has problams dating Gibbys mum which is brilliant overall this episode is 10/10
5. IWont Cancel The Show. When Sam is in juvie Carly worries how she will do the show without her especially since its the first one her Dad can watch live what will happen will the show go on? Will Sam get out of juvie? this episode for me is 8/10 not bad but not brilliant.
6. IBelieve In Bigfoot. When the Icarly gang go on a search for Bigfoot and Spencer looking for a Beavecoon things get very interesting in the woods and the gangs RV gets captured but who by BigFoot?? 9/10
This Dvd is pretty good I would buy it
1. ISpace Out. The Icarly gang gets the chance to film a webcast in space but they have to stay in a pod for 36 hours without food its very funny one of my favourites will they get to go up to space will Sam eat ribs will Freddie die? This episode for me is a 10/10!
2. IWas A Pagaent Girl. Sam admits she used to be in Pagaents and she does one last one and her old teacher is there who in Victorious goes by the name Lane and he does a pretty cool dance with her so very funny really that Sam was in Beuty Pagaents this episode for me is a 8/10.
3. IEnrage Gibby. When Freddie tries to help Gibbys Girlfriend she accidently trips on him and Gibby thinks that they were making out with each other so Gibby wants to fight him but it ends brilliantly with no fights. This is a pretty good one not brilliant but still hilarious I rate it 9/10.
4. IFix A Popstar. Sam, Carly and Freddie try to fix a old Popstar phenom Ginger Fox when she performs live she cant even sing the words and she has armpit hair so very funny meanwhile Spencer has problams dating Gibbys mum which is brilliant overall this episode is 10/10
5. IWont Cancel The Show. When Sam is in juvie Carly worries how she will do the show without her especially since its the first one her Dad can watch live what will happen will the show go on? Will Sam get out of juvie? this episode for me is 8/10 not bad but not brilliant.
6. IBelieve In Bigfoot. When the Icarly gang go on a search for Bigfoot and Spencer looking for a Beavecoon things get very interesting in the woods and the gangs RV gets captured but who by BigFoot?? 9/10
This Dvd is pretty good I would buy it
Icarly ISaved Your Life Dvd Review
This great dvd contains 5 brilliant episodes which I will review
1. IQuit Icarly. Sam and Carly meet people like each other Carly meats one who does all the work like her but Sam meets one who is like her this episode is very good but a little bit annoying the ending is fantastic very good poor acting by the kids who were like Sam and Carly very poor but in the end great episode I rate it 9/10.
2. ISaved Your Life. This episode is when Carly is about to get hit by a truck but Freddie pushes her out of the way and he gets hit him self. He gets hurt but hes all right after that Carly becomes his Boyfriend for a week its a brilliant episode in my top 5 episodes if you love Icarly you will love this episode 10/10!!!!!!
3. I Think They Kissed. Sam goes to the dentist and is hopped up on Nitros Dioxide Gas when she accidentaly reveals she kissed Freddie meanwhile Spencer is teaching art at prison where some funny stuff goes on this is a great episode very funny very well dirtected brilliant all around 10/10.
4. ITwins. This is a great episode Sams twin sister Melanie comes to visit but Freddie thinks its Sam and shes trying to trick him and Freddie goes out on a date with Melanie and she kisses him then he freaks out its a funny episode not brilliant but funny 9/10.
5. IMove Out. Freddie is sick of being babied by his mother so he moves out in a really small terrible apartment meanwhile Sam and Carly become Petographers and have a rival on there hands this episode is hilarious it will have you in stiches of laughter I rate this episode 8/10
This DVD Overall For Me Is A 10/10
1. IQuit Icarly. Sam and Carly meet people like each other Carly meats one who does all the work like her but Sam meets one who is like her this episode is very good but a little bit annoying the ending is fantastic very good poor acting by the kids who were like Sam and Carly very poor but in the end great episode I rate it 9/10.
2. ISaved Your Life. This episode is when Carly is about to get hit by a truck but Freddie pushes her out of the way and he gets hit him self. He gets hurt but hes all right after that Carly becomes his Boyfriend for a week its a brilliant episode in my top 5 episodes if you love Icarly you will love this episode 10/10!!!!!!
3. I Think They Kissed. Sam goes to the dentist and is hopped up on Nitros Dioxide Gas when she accidentaly reveals she kissed Freddie meanwhile Spencer is teaching art at prison where some funny stuff goes on this is a great episode very funny very well dirtected brilliant all around 10/10.
4. ITwins. This is a great episode Sams twin sister Melanie comes to visit but Freddie thinks its Sam and shes trying to trick him and Freddie goes out on a date with Melanie and she kisses him then he freaks out its a funny episode not brilliant but funny 9/10.
5. IMove Out. Freddie is sick of being babied by his mother so he moves out in a really small terrible apartment meanwhile Sam and Carly become Petographers and have a rival on there hands this episode is hilarious it will have you in stiches of laughter I rate this episode 8/10
This DVD Overall For Me Is A 10/10
Icarly Complete Series 6 Review
1. I Shock America. This is one of my favourite episodes ever Gibby, Sam, Carly and Freddie and Spencer head to New York to be on the Jimmy Fallon Show where Gibbys pants drop live in recording and they get fined what an episode 10/10.
2. I Get Banned. Carly wont let T-Bo hang out in there apartment any more so T-Bo bans Carly from the Groovie Smoothie what an episode one of the best scenes ever when T-Bo pulls down a sign with Carlys head with a red circle through it haha!! 10/10.
3. I Find Spencer Friends. Brilliant episode Carly, Sam and Freddie try find Spencer some friends his own age but it backtracks just a teeny bit its brilliant you will love this episode definetely 10/10 for me.
4. I Rescue Carly. Sams old friend is back from juvie and Carly becomes friends with her and goes to her violent smashing party will Sam save her will Carly be stuck what will happen? 9/10!
5. I Lost My Head In Vegas. Sams mum gets arrested and the gang head to a pawn shop in Vegas to raise $2500 bail this is one of my favourites definetely watch this episode you cant miss it I watched it live when it was on 10/10!
6. I Bust A Thief. This episode was very funny Sam thought she lost her red laptop and she found that an old woman had it but she hadnt has she lost it forever is it hidden did she really have it what will happen definetely watch all of this season every episode you will be laughing your head off! 9/10.
7. IGoodBye. The last episode ever was very sad but very good Carly wanted to go to a military Father-Daughter dance but her Dad couldnt make it so Spencer said he would take her but then he got really sick its a shocker its emotional if you watch this episode have kleenex Pepsi Max and Popcorn
Overall this season for me is by far 10/10 my 2nd favourite season a must watch!
2. I Get Banned. Carly wont let T-Bo hang out in there apartment any more so T-Bo bans Carly from the Groovie Smoothie what an episode one of the best scenes ever when T-Bo pulls down a sign with Carlys head with a red circle through it haha!! 10/10.
3. I Find Spencer Friends. Brilliant episode Carly, Sam and Freddie try find Spencer some friends his own age but it backtracks just a teeny bit its brilliant you will love this episode definetely 10/10 for me.
4. I Rescue Carly. Sams old friend is back from juvie and Carly becomes friends with her and goes to her violent smashing party will Sam save her will Carly be stuck what will happen? 9/10!
5. I Lost My Head In Vegas. Sams mum gets arrested and the gang head to a pawn shop in Vegas to raise $2500 bail this is one of my favourites definetely watch this episode you cant miss it I watched it live when it was on 10/10!
6. I Bust A Thief. This episode was very funny Sam thought she lost her red laptop and she found that an old woman had it but she hadnt has she lost it forever is it hidden did she really have it what will happen definetely watch all of this season every episode you will be laughing your head off! 9/10.
7. IGoodBye. The last episode ever was very sad but very good Carly wanted to go to a military Father-Daughter dance but her Dad couldnt make it so Spencer said he would take her but then he got really sick its a shocker its emotional if you watch this episode have kleenex Pepsi Max and Popcorn
Overall this season for me is by far 10/10 my 2nd favourite season a must watch!
Sam And Cat Series 1 Complete Review
Sam and Cat is a brilliant Nickelodeon programme directed by Dan Schneider. Hi there my name is Jonah Broom I will be posting 1 post a day if I can please help me get famous guys spread the word about my blog I will be posting lots and lots of stuff about TV programmes lots of reviews coming including Gilmore Girls, Friends, Catfish and Home And Away! And lots of Nickelodeon kids stuff.
1. Pilot. The first episode followed on from Icarly Sam was riding around on her motorbike after Carly left with her dad and moved to Italy sam was riding around figuring out waht to do and met Cat who was about to get crushed by a garbage van Sam jumped in and saved her after that Sam went back to Cats and her Nonas place and babysat with her and let her keep all the money they both got payed she went to go but Cat wanted her to stay so she stayed and boy its a heck of a thrill ride from then onwards!
2. Favourite Show. Sam and Cats favourite show gets cancelled after that they are Babbysitting to boys Ethan who asks loads of questions and Bob who cant stop hugging Cat. Then Sam manages to trick them to send all the props to there apartment so the show may have got cancelled but they got all the props so they won really.
3. The Brit Brats. Cat babbysits to polite British girls Gwen and Ruby. Sam tries to help Nona organise a succesful Bingo game at Elderely Accres for community service. Dice sees Gwen and Ruby with a Pear Phone 6 which hadnt been released in America so he brought loads of them for $500 and in the box they gave Dice it was full of rocks not Pear phones!! This episode is hilarious go check it out right now!!
4. New Goat. Dice was in an alley and brought a coat off a guy for $40 but he comes out with a goat and runs off with the money! Meanwhile the landlords son Dilben threatens to kick Sam and Cat out because there is a strict no pet policy I wont tell you what happens as I dont want to spoil the ending for you but you have to watch this honestly 10/10 for me!!!
5. Texting Competition. Sam and Cat are babysitting a kid called Butler he is the worlds fastest texter ever and there is a competition whoever wins gets a speedboat and they get to meet the vice president of the United States but when Sam falls asleep Butlers mom superglues her hand to Cats but she texts one handed and wins what and episode every episode of this programme is worth watching!
6. Babysitting competition. Sam and Cat have a babysitting competition after a kid ses your the best babysitter ever so the next 3 kids they babysit whoever votes whos the best wins this episode is one of the best out of the entire series classic Sam check it out!!
7. Goomer Sitting. Dice asks Sam and Cat if they can babysit Goomer one night while Dice goes to Phoenix for hair moddeling. Sam accidently puts the wrong eyedrops in his eye and blinds him for the night this episode is very very funny in the top 10 probably 7/10
8. Toddler Climbing. When Mrs. Dooley cancels her appointment with Sam and Cat, the girls find out they've been getting bad reviews on Snorch.com. Sam calls up her tech-savvy friend Freddie (a former iCarly character who later appears in "#TheKillerTunaJump") who traces the authors of the reviews. It is discovered all of the reviews came from the same location, the house of a competing babysitting service. Sam and Cat then go to the house and confront those babysitters. Sam warns them to delete the reviews and threatens to beat them up, but Cat reminds her about the babysitter code. They then send Dice, dressed as a child with a hat cam, to spy on the competing babysitters and discover that they have set up a toddler-climbing competition in their basement to gamble. Sam and Cat go to their house again and threaten to upload the video of their competition unless they delete the reviews and stop babysitting.
9. Momma Goomer. Goomas mother comes to town but she has no idea Goomer is a MMA fighter Sam and Cat must help convince his mother that he is a School teacher which is going to be very hard with how dumb Goomer is this episode is great so definetely check it out 8/10!
10. Babysitting commercial. Sam and Cat make a babysitting commercial which features Dice's dog Opee a teenage girls comes and claims it is her dog and they compete in a Winchester Dog Dancing competition they find a dog that looks like Opee and give it to her for the contest and wait till you see what the dog does! This episode is definetely a 10/10 for me!
11. Revenge Of The Brit Brats. Gwen and Ruby are back from England and repay Cat with a real can of Bibble and Sam with a vibrating Motorcycle helmet but they dont know that they are using it for a revenge plot this episode is a stunner and will keep you entertained from begining to end 10/10!
12. Dice gives Cat a drink to help her study for a big test while Sam and Goomer are at a MMA fight they wake up and Sams bike is gone and Cats hair is Blue and she is handcuffed to a small foreign man this is in top 5 ever made of Sam and Cat episodes definetely watch this the end involves a brilliant fight.
13. Secret Safe. Sam finally figures out a combination to a safe she goes in there and opens it and gets stuck in there with Cat because they wouldnt let Dice go to a Poker game with college frat boys Dice locks em in the safe finally Goomer comes and unlocks them and the find out that Dice is not playing Poker he is dancing at a 12 year old girls Birthday party this is the 2nd best one made this is a must watch even if you dont like Sam and Cat you will love this episode!
14. Oscar The Ouch. Sam and Cat babysit a boy who is accident prone he wanted a gumball it fell under a bench and a MMA fighter sat on it and crushed Oscar he had Cheese on his Nachos it squited his face last but not least he got smacked 5 times with a Golf club this episode is very very funny!
15. Doll Sitting. On Halloween night Sam and Cat are stuck babysitting a weird little Doll and in the meantime Cat tries a spell on Dice and thinks she has turned him into a monkey but really its his Aunt Ferjeens helper monkey this episode is very funny weird and creepy 9/10!
16. Peezy B. A rapper named Peezy B has a dance audition for his vid Cat auditioned but he said she dances like a squirrrel so Sam goes there and shows him up then he wants her to be his assistant she ses yes and leaves Cat hanging will this be the end or wont it? 10/10!
17. Salmon Cat. Sam and Cat are forced to rename there Babysitting service because the name sounds simular to a 70s sitcom Salmon Cat they meet up with the two woman who did it and get them to meet up and talk in the end they work out there differences this episode is ok not as good as the others but decent 7/10
18. Twinfection. Cat plays a trick on Sam when she uses to young twins to fall her then after that you see Sams twin sister Melanie who featured in the Icarly episode ITwins when she dated Freddie Melanie helps Sam by pretending to be evil and Sam ses she got a evil twin also none as the episode name Twinfection this episode is pretty funny 9/10.
19. My Poober. Sam and Cat are babysitting a 11 year old girl who has a doll called Poober if Sam and Cat get rid of the doll the Mum will give her a $500 bonus but they cant get her to get rid of it what will happen definetely watch this its a must watch for any Nickelodeon fan 10/10!
20. Mad About Shoe. Cat finds a Pink shoe they find out that it belongs to a girl who is in the hospital the go and try to take the other shoe but she wont let them she previously made and appearencce in 2 Icarly episodes IHire An Idiot and IStart A Fan War she was a Creddie fan this episode is a 9/10 for me you will definetely not regret spending 23 minuetes of your life watching this episode.
21. Magic ATM. Cat plays a song with the buttons at an ATM and it gives her loads of cash after they have gone out and spent it they realise its illeagel and they get put in a Police car and Sam ends up saving the day brilliant episode one of the best very funny very interesting! 10/10
22. Lumpatitious.
Sam, Cat, and the boy they're babysitting, Lucas, are eating at Bots. Cat helps him study his vocabulary, and the word that comes up for him is projectile. Unable to recall its meaning, Lucas watches Sam's demonstration as she throws one of her sliders at the red robot Tandy, which helps Lucas to remember. He then informs his sitters that his mom isn't coming to pick him up; his brother Jepsen is, a person everyone hates. When Jepsen arrives at Bots, he scares Cat and causes her to go nonconscious. That's Cat's word for unconscious, but he gets on her case for using the improper word, provoking Lucas to call his brother lumpatious. After Jepsen points out that lumpatious is not a word, Sam and Cat come to Lucas's defense, saying it is a real word. They make a bet with Jepsen: if the girls can prove in one week that lumpatious is indeed a word, Jepsen will have to wear a bikini; if the girls fail, they will have to drink Jepsen's sweat. Their quest ends up being a huge challenge. Sam scours dictionaries while Cat searches online, but neither can find any source confirming the existence of the word. Even a huge dictionary Dice brings over to the girls' apartment doesn't have the word, and that dictionary happens to be the most authoritative, the Oxnard English Dictionary (a parody of the Oxford English Dictionary). Dice says the girls will have to go to Oxnard to get the word added. So they do, and meet the "Word Keepers", who will add lumpatious to their dictionary if the two can provide evidence that it is an actual word, even if just to have a famous person say it in some sort of context. Well, they struggle to find anyone famous, until Cat remembers a well-known airplane pilot living at Elderly Acres; unfortunately, the girls find out he lacks the ability to speak (as he lost his tongue after making an emergency landing). Later, Sam and Cat catch Governor Chris Christie in a van at Inside-Out Burger, their best chance yet. Somehow, despite the security surrounding the governor's van, they get him to say lumpatious on video. With the evidence they need for their new word, Sam and Cat head back to Oxnard and show the video to the Word Keepers, who then add the word to the dictionary. So Jepsen, as loser of the bet, goes through the humiliation of wearing a bikini, and not only that. Lucas gets a nearby biker gang to beat up his brother after claiming that he insulted them.
Note: In the last episode of Victorious, on the Slap.com Beck tweets that he feels Lumpatious.
see wikepedia i have watch this once ages a go so forgot what happend
23. The Killer Tuna Jump. This episode is the series finale where Jade, Robbie and Freddie from Icarly appear in the episode Sam goes to jump a motorbike over loads of killer fish it ends brilliantly I dont want to give to much away as it is a real shock what happends 10/10!
Hope you have enjoyed this review look out for lots more guys!
1. Pilot. The first episode followed on from Icarly Sam was riding around on her motorbike after Carly left with her dad and moved to Italy sam was riding around figuring out waht to do and met Cat who was about to get crushed by a garbage van Sam jumped in and saved her after that Sam went back to Cats and her Nonas place and babysat with her and let her keep all the money they both got payed she went to go but Cat wanted her to stay so she stayed and boy its a heck of a thrill ride from then onwards!
2. Favourite Show. Sam and Cats favourite show gets cancelled after that they are Babbysitting to boys Ethan who asks loads of questions and Bob who cant stop hugging Cat. Then Sam manages to trick them to send all the props to there apartment so the show may have got cancelled but they got all the props so they won really.
3. The Brit Brats. Cat babbysits to polite British girls Gwen and Ruby. Sam tries to help Nona organise a succesful Bingo game at Elderely Accres for community service. Dice sees Gwen and Ruby with a Pear Phone 6 which hadnt been released in America so he brought loads of them for $500 and in the box they gave Dice it was full of rocks not Pear phones!! This episode is hilarious go check it out right now!!
4. New Goat. Dice was in an alley and brought a coat off a guy for $40 but he comes out with a goat and runs off with the money! Meanwhile the landlords son Dilben threatens to kick Sam and Cat out because there is a strict no pet policy I wont tell you what happens as I dont want to spoil the ending for you but you have to watch this honestly 10/10 for me!!!
5. Texting Competition. Sam and Cat are babysitting a kid called Butler he is the worlds fastest texter ever and there is a competition whoever wins gets a speedboat and they get to meet the vice president of the United States but when Sam falls asleep Butlers mom superglues her hand to Cats but she texts one handed and wins what and episode every episode of this programme is worth watching!
6. Babysitting competition. Sam and Cat have a babysitting competition after a kid ses your the best babysitter ever so the next 3 kids they babysit whoever votes whos the best wins this episode is one of the best out of the entire series classic Sam check it out!!
7. Goomer Sitting. Dice asks Sam and Cat if they can babysit Goomer one night while Dice goes to Phoenix for hair moddeling. Sam accidently puts the wrong eyedrops in his eye and blinds him for the night this episode is very very funny in the top 10 probably 7/10
8. Toddler Climbing. When Mrs. Dooley cancels her appointment with Sam and Cat, the girls find out they've been getting bad reviews on Snorch.com. Sam calls up her tech-savvy friend Freddie (a former iCarly character who later appears in "#TheKillerTunaJump") who traces the authors of the reviews. It is discovered all of the reviews came from the same location, the house of a competing babysitting service. Sam and Cat then go to the house and confront those babysitters. Sam warns them to delete the reviews and threatens to beat them up, but Cat reminds her about the babysitter code. They then send Dice, dressed as a child with a hat cam, to spy on the competing babysitters and discover that they have set up a toddler-climbing competition in their basement to gamble. Sam and Cat go to their house again and threaten to upload the video of their competition unless they delete the reviews and stop babysitting.
9. Momma Goomer. Goomas mother comes to town but she has no idea Goomer is a MMA fighter Sam and Cat must help convince his mother that he is a School teacher which is going to be very hard with how dumb Goomer is this episode is great so definetely check it out 8/10!
10. Babysitting commercial. Sam and Cat make a babysitting commercial which features Dice's dog Opee a teenage girls comes and claims it is her dog and they compete in a Winchester Dog Dancing competition they find a dog that looks like Opee and give it to her for the contest and wait till you see what the dog does! This episode is definetely a 10/10 for me!
11. Revenge Of The Brit Brats. Gwen and Ruby are back from England and repay Cat with a real can of Bibble and Sam with a vibrating Motorcycle helmet but they dont know that they are using it for a revenge plot this episode is a stunner and will keep you entertained from begining to end 10/10!
12. Dice gives Cat a drink to help her study for a big test while Sam and Goomer are at a MMA fight they wake up and Sams bike is gone and Cats hair is Blue and she is handcuffed to a small foreign man this is in top 5 ever made of Sam and Cat episodes definetely watch this the end involves a brilliant fight.
13. Secret Safe. Sam finally figures out a combination to a safe she goes in there and opens it and gets stuck in there with Cat because they wouldnt let Dice go to a Poker game with college frat boys Dice locks em in the safe finally Goomer comes and unlocks them and the find out that Dice is not playing Poker he is dancing at a 12 year old girls Birthday party this is the 2nd best one made this is a must watch even if you dont like Sam and Cat you will love this episode!
14. Oscar The Ouch. Sam and Cat babysit a boy who is accident prone he wanted a gumball it fell under a bench and a MMA fighter sat on it and crushed Oscar he had Cheese on his Nachos it squited his face last but not least he got smacked 5 times with a Golf club this episode is very very funny!
15. Doll Sitting. On Halloween night Sam and Cat are stuck babysitting a weird little Doll and in the meantime Cat tries a spell on Dice and thinks she has turned him into a monkey but really its his Aunt Ferjeens helper monkey this episode is very funny weird and creepy 9/10!
16. Peezy B. A rapper named Peezy B has a dance audition for his vid Cat auditioned but he said she dances like a squirrrel so Sam goes there and shows him up then he wants her to be his assistant she ses yes and leaves Cat hanging will this be the end or wont it? 10/10!
17. Salmon Cat. Sam and Cat are forced to rename there Babysitting service because the name sounds simular to a 70s sitcom Salmon Cat they meet up with the two woman who did it and get them to meet up and talk in the end they work out there differences this episode is ok not as good as the others but decent 7/10
18. Twinfection. Cat plays a trick on Sam when she uses to young twins to fall her then after that you see Sams twin sister Melanie who featured in the Icarly episode ITwins when she dated Freddie Melanie helps Sam by pretending to be evil and Sam ses she got a evil twin also none as the episode name Twinfection this episode is pretty funny 9/10.
19. My Poober. Sam and Cat are babysitting a 11 year old girl who has a doll called Poober if Sam and Cat get rid of the doll the Mum will give her a $500 bonus but they cant get her to get rid of it what will happen definetely watch this its a must watch for any Nickelodeon fan 10/10!
20. Mad About Shoe. Cat finds a Pink shoe they find out that it belongs to a girl who is in the hospital the go and try to take the other shoe but she wont let them she previously made and appearencce in 2 Icarly episodes IHire An Idiot and IStart A Fan War she was a Creddie fan this episode is a 9/10 for me you will definetely not regret spending 23 minuetes of your life watching this episode.
21. Magic ATM. Cat plays a song with the buttons at an ATM and it gives her loads of cash after they have gone out and spent it they realise its illeagel and they get put in a Police car and Sam ends up saving the day brilliant episode one of the best very funny very interesting! 10/10
22. Lumpatitious.
Sam, Cat, and the boy they're babysitting, Lucas, are eating at Bots. Cat helps him study his vocabulary, and the word that comes up for him is projectile. Unable to recall its meaning, Lucas watches Sam's demonstration as she throws one of her sliders at the red robot Tandy, which helps Lucas to remember. He then informs his sitters that his mom isn't coming to pick him up; his brother Jepsen is, a person everyone hates. When Jepsen arrives at Bots, he scares Cat and causes her to go nonconscious. That's Cat's word for unconscious, but he gets on her case for using the improper word, provoking Lucas to call his brother lumpatious. After Jepsen points out that lumpatious is not a word, Sam and Cat come to Lucas's defense, saying it is a real word. They make a bet with Jepsen: if the girls can prove in one week that lumpatious is indeed a word, Jepsen will have to wear a bikini; if the girls fail, they will have to drink Jepsen's sweat. Their quest ends up being a huge challenge. Sam scours dictionaries while Cat searches online, but neither can find any source confirming the existence of the word. Even a huge dictionary Dice brings over to the girls' apartment doesn't have the word, and that dictionary happens to be the most authoritative, the Oxnard English Dictionary (a parody of the Oxford English Dictionary). Dice says the girls will have to go to Oxnard to get the word added. So they do, and meet the "Word Keepers", who will add lumpatious to their dictionary if the two can provide evidence that it is an actual word, even if just to have a famous person say it in some sort of context. Well, they struggle to find anyone famous, until Cat remembers a well-known airplane pilot living at Elderly Acres; unfortunately, the girls find out he lacks the ability to speak (as he lost his tongue after making an emergency landing). Later, Sam and Cat catch Governor Chris Christie in a van at Inside-Out Burger, their best chance yet. Somehow, despite the security surrounding the governor's van, they get him to say lumpatious on video. With the evidence they need for their new word, Sam and Cat head back to Oxnard and show the video to the Word Keepers, who then add the word to the dictionary. So Jepsen, as loser of the bet, goes through the humiliation of wearing a bikini, and not only that. Lucas gets a nearby biker gang to beat up his brother after claiming that he insulted them.
Note: In the last episode of Victorious, on the Slap.com Beck tweets that he feels Lumpatious.
see wikepedia i have watch this once ages a go so forgot what happend
23. The Killer Tuna Jump. This episode is the series finale where Jade, Robbie and Freddie from Icarly appear in the episode Sam goes to jump a motorbike over loads of killer fish it ends brilliantly I dont want to give to much away as it is a real shock what happends 10/10!
Hope you have enjoyed this review look out for lots more guys!
Nickelodeon Victorious TV Program Review
This program is a great porgram one of the best TV famous producer Dan Schneider has directed and produced. The program is built around 7 main charactars Andre Harris, Beck Oliver, Robbie Shapiro, Rex Shapiro ( Urban puppet), Jade West, Cat Valentine, Trina Vega and last but certanily not least the main star of this program Tori Vega also know as her real name Victoria Justice. The first episode aired on March 27 2010 when Trina Vega who was at a school called Hollywood Arts was doing a song at a event called The Big Showcase when her tongue swelled up her sister was forced to perform and she did and brilliantly I might add. After that she realised her gift for singing and got let in the school so after that the stories follow on and on there are some very bizzarre episodes for example The Warehouse or in other countries Wankos Warehouse.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Another Four Years England
Hi there today I will be reviewing the World Cup 2014 match between England and Uraguay. England had to win this game or they would be out well at least draw and so did Uraguay so it was a battle of a game that did not end well for the Englishman. Luis Suarez fabulous goals got the best of Englands poor defence and in more obvious news the Sun rose this morning! Englands, starting line up was very good but I would've played Rickie Lambert instead of the popular striker ( more like cdm the way he plays) Wayne Rooney! I was very dissapointed that only 2 players were really belting out the National Anthem ( God Save Our Queen) the only two who were are Steve Gerrard and the Manchester City Number 1 Goalkeeper Joe Hart.
In the first 10 minuetes England won a free kick from a handball from Diego Godin ( Athletico Madrid Centre Back) and Rooney missed it ( of course why woudnt he hes only valued at 60 million ) and in the next 20 minuetes we got another Free Kick which was taken by Steve Gerrard ( LFC Legend) and he put a perfect cross on to Wayne Rooneys head and what does " The Roon" do he hits the bar he cant finish I am 11 and I would've scored that! The thing that dissapointed me the most was manger Roy Hodgesons tactics, they were poor. Capello managed better than him! I hope England try to get Liverpool manger Brendan Rodgers to coach us for the next World Cup which is in Russia in 2018.
Finally ages after Luis Suarez fantastic header we equalised with a brilliant cross by Glen Johnson finished from 4 yards Wayne Rooney YAY!!! Now the only way England can survive is if Italy beat Uraguay and Costa Rica and we win our game against Costa Rica. Please tell me what you thought of this review and game by messaging me on Facebook under the name Jonah Bizzle and if you liked this review please put on twitter #JonahBroomReviewRocks or something like that hope you enjoy the rest of the world cup and also let me know who are you supporting now are you supporting a big team like Holland or a small team like Iran I have 3 back up teams first I want Chile to win if not them Colombia and if not them Holland.
Enjoy your afternoon or whenever your reading this post Written By 11 Year Old Liverpool FC and England fan Jonah Broom
In the first 10 minuetes England won a free kick from a handball from Diego Godin ( Athletico Madrid Centre Back) and Rooney missed it ( of course why woudnt he hes only valued at 60 million ) and in the next 20 minuetes we got another Free Kick which was taken by Steve Gerrard ( LFC Legend) and he put a perfect cross on to Wayne Rooneys head and what does " The Roon" do he hits the bar he cant finish I am 11 and I would've scored that! The thing that dissapointed me the most was manger Roy Hodgesons tactics, they were poor. Capello managed better than him! I hope England try to get Liverpool manger Brendan Rodgers to coach us for the next World Cup which is in Russia in 2018.
Finally ages after Luis Suarez fantastic header we equalised with a brilliant cross by Glen Johnson finished from 4 yards Wayne Rooney YAY!!! Now the only way England can survive is if Italy beat Uraguay and Costa Rica and we win our game against Costa Rica. Please tell me what you thought of this review and game by messaging me on Facebook under the name Jonah Bizzle and if you liked this review please put on twitter #JonahBroomReviewRocks or something like that hope you enjoy the rest of the world cup and also let me know who are you supporting now are you supporting a big team like Holland or a small team like Iran I have 3 back up teams first I want Chile to win if not them Colombia and if not them Holland.
Enjoy your afternoon or whenever your reading this post Written By 11 Year Old Liverpool FC and England fan Jonah Broom
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Exclusive: Clip of Evolution in WWE ‘Greatest Factions’, WM30 DVD Released

WrestleMania 30 is officially released today on DVD and Blu-ray! The price of the DVD version has now been dropped to $17.99 here on Amazon.com.
The Blu-ray edition is still listed there for the inflated price of $33.96 but, as mentioned, you can find it cheaper than that in-store this week, such as at Best Buy for $19.99.
The versions of WM30 which include the mini-book have been found available at Walmart, K-Mart, Best Buy and other stores too, so this isn’t looking like a store exclusive.
Jed Raybould sent along these exact runtimes of the Blu-ray discs.
[Disc 1: 4:20:02]
WrestleMania XXX: 3:54:23
Pre-Show Match: 25:39
[Disc 2: 4:20:55]
Hall of Fame 2014- 3:25:05
Extras: 51:38
Blu-ray Exclusive #1: 2:36
Blu-ray Exclusive #2: 1:36
[Total: 8:40:57]
Below is an exclusive sneak peek clip of the new WWE “Greatest Wrestling Factions” DVD, specifically Evolution’s profile. Each faction is allotted about 5 minutes, plus a match.
The WWE Greatest Factions DVD and Blu-ray will be released on May 27th to fans across the United States (click to pre-order yours). It will also be available this month to fans in the UK and Europe, then it will follow in June to the Australian market.

Friday, 17 January 2014
SPFL Scottish Sticker Collection Full Checklist
a complete checklist yet. Missing the first four stickers and all the
Star Player stickers, plus one player from Stranraer FC - no. 457. Any
help with these would me be much appreciated.
Scottish Professional Football League - Premiership
5. Team Photo (Aberdeen)
6. Team Photo (Aberdeen)
7. Badge (Aberdeen)
8. Jamie Langfield (Aberdeen)
10. Russell Anderson (Aberdeen)
11. Ryan Jack (Aberdeen)
12. Mark Reynolds (Aberdeen)
13. Joe Shaughnessy (Aberdeen)
14. Clark Robertson (Aberdeen)
15. Willo Flood (Aberdeen)
16. Jonny Hayes (Aberdeen)
17. Niall McGinn (Aberdeen)
18. Peter Pawlett (Aberdeen)
19. Josh Magennis (Aberdeen)
20. Calvin Zola (Aberdeen)
21. Team Photo (Celtic)
22. Team Photo (Celtic)
23. Badge (Celtic)
24. Fraser Forster (Celtic)
26. Efe Ambrose (Celtic)
27. Charlie Mulgrew (Celtic)
28. Virgil van Dijk (Celtic)
29. Emilio Izaguirre (Celtic)
30. Adam Matthews (Celtic)
31. Scott Brown (Celtic)
32. Joe Ledley (Celtic)
33. Beram Kayal (Celtic)
34. Kris Commens (Celtic)
35. Georgios Samaras (Celtic)
36. Anthony Stokes (Celtic)
37. Team Photo (Dundee United)
38. Team Photo (Dundee United)
39. Badge (Dundee United)
40. Radoslaw Cierzniak (Dundee United)
41. David Goodwillie (Dundee United)
42. Paul Paton (Dundee United)
43. Sean Dillon (Dundee United)
44. Calum Butcher (Dundee United)
45. Keith Watson (Dundee United)
46. Stuart Armstrong (Dundee United)
47. Ryan Gaulo (Dundee United)
48. Andy Robertson (Dundee United)
49. Gary MacKay-Steven (Dundee United)
50. John Rankin (Dundee United)
51. David Goodwillie (Dundee United)
52. Nadir Ciftci (Dundee United)
53. Team Photo (Heart of Midlothian)
54. Team Photo (Heart of Midlothian)
55. Badge (Heart of Midlothian)
56. Jamie MacDonald (Heart of Midlothian)
57. (Heart of Midlothian)
58. Dylan McGowan (Heart of Midlothian)
59. Kevin McHattie (Heart of Midlothian)
60. Brad McKay (Heart of Midlothian)
61. Danny Wilson (Heart of Midlothian)
62. Jamie Hamill (Heart of Midlothian)
63. Ryan Stevenson (Heart of Midlothian)
64. Jamie Walker (Heart of Midlothian)
65. Jason Holt (Heart of Midlothian)
66. David Smith (Heart of Midlothian)
67. Scott Robinson (Heart of Midlothian)
68. Callum Paterson (Heart of Midlothian)
69. Team Photo (Hibernian)
70. Team Photo (Hibernian)
71. Badge (Hibernian)
72. Ben Williams (Hibernian)
74. James McPake (Hibernian)
75. Paul Hanlon (Hibernian)
76. Michael Nelson (Hibernian)
77. Lewis Stevenson (Hibernian)
78. Tom Taiwo (Hibernian)
79. Liam Craig (Hibernian)
80. Owain Tudor Jones (Hibernian)
81. Paul Heffernan (Hibernian)
82. James Collins (Hibernian)
83. Danny Handling (Hibernian)
84. Rowan Vine (Hibernian)
85. Team Photo (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
86. Team Photo (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
87. Badge (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
88. Dean Brill (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
90. David Raven (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
91. Gary Warren (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
92. Josh Meekings (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
93. Graeme Shinnie (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
94. Liam Polworth (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
95. James Vincent (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
96. Nick Ross (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
97. Aaron Doran (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
98. Ross Draper (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
99. Billy McKay (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
100. Richie Foran (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
101. Team Photo (Kilmarnock)
102. Team Photo (Kilmarnock)
103. Badge (Kilmarnock)
104. Craig Samson (Kilmarnock)
106. James Fowler (Kilmarnock)
107. Jerden Tesselaar (Kilmarnock)
108. Darren Barr (Kilmarnock)
109. Rory McKeown (Kilmarnock)
110. Sean Clohessy (Kilmarnock)
111. Sammy Clingan (Kilmarnock)
112. Barry Nicholson (Kilmarnock)
113. Rabiu Ibrahim (Kilmarnock)
114. Manuel Pascall (Kilmarnock)
115. William Gros (Kilmarnock)
116. Kris Boyd (Kilmarnock)
117. Team Photo (Motherwell)
118. Team Photo (Motherwell)
119. Badge (Motherwell)
120. Lee Hollis (Motherwell)
122. Simon Ramsden (Motherwell)
123. Zaine Francis-Angol (Motherwell)
124. Steven Hammell (Motherwell)
125. Stephen McManus (Motherwell)
126. Shaun Hutchinson (Motherwell)
127. Stuart Carswell (Motherwell)
128. Keith Lasley (Motherwell)
129. Iain Vigors (Motherwell)
130. Henri Anier (Motherwell)
131. John Sutton (Motherwell)
132. James McFadden (Motherwell)
133. Team Photo (Partick Thistle)
134. Team Photo (Partick Thistle)
135. Badge (Partick Thistle)
136. Scott Fox (Partick Thistle)
138. Aaron Taylor-Sinclair (Partick Thistle)
139. Aaron Muirhead (Partick Thistle)
140. Stephen O'Donnell (Partick Thistle)
141. Conrad Balatoni (Partick Thistle)
142. Stuart Hannigan (Partick Thistle)
143. James Craigen (Partick Thistle)
144. Isaac Osbourne (Partick Thistle)
145. Sean Welsh (Partick Thistle)
146. Steven Lawless (Partick Thistle)
147. Kris Doolan (Partick Thistle)
148. John Baird (Partick Thistle)
149. Team Photo (Ross County)
150. Team Photo (Ross County)
151. Badge (Ross County)
152. Mark Brown (Ross County)
154. Ben Gordon (Ross County)
155. Scott Boyd (Ross County)
156. Mihael Kovacevic (Ross County)
157. Brian McLean (Ross County)
158. Richard Brittain (Ross County)
159. Stuart Kettlewell (Ross County)
160. Rocco Quinn (Ross County)
161. Darren Maatsen (Ross County)
162. Graham Carey (Ross County)
163. Kevin Luckassen (Ross County)
164. Ivan Sproulle (Ross County)
165. Team Photo (St. Johnstone)
166. Team Photo (St. Johnstone)
167. Badge (St. Johnstone)
168. Alan Mannus (St. Johnstone)
170. Tom Scobbie (St. Johnstone)
171. Steven Anderson (St. Johnstone)
172. Frazer Wright (St. Johnstone)
173. Dave MacKay (St. Johnstone)
174. Gary McDonald (St. Johnstone)
175. Patrick Cregg (St. Johnstone)
176. Murray Davidson (St. Johnstone)
177. David Wotherspoon (St. Johnstone)
178. Nigel Hasselbaink (St. Johnstone)
179. Steven MacLean (St. Johnstone)
180. Stevie May (St. Johnstone)
181. Team Photo (St. Mirren)
182. Team Photo (St. Mirren)
183. Badge (St. Mirren)
184. David Cornell (St. Mirren)
186. Danny Grainger (St. Mirren)
187. Marc McAusland (St. Mirren)
188. Darren McGregor (St. Mirren)
189. David van Zanten (St. Mirren)
190. Jim Goodwin (St. Mirren)
191. Paul McGowan (St. Mirren)
192. Gary Harkins (St. Mirren)
193. Gary Teale (St. Mirren)
194. Conor Newton (St. Mirren)
195. Kenny McLean (St. Mirren)
196. Steven Thompson (St. Mirren)
Scottish Professional Football League - Championship
197. Badge (Alloa Athletic)
199. Scott Bain (Alloa Athletic)
200. Michael Doyle (Alloa Athletic)
201. Daryll Meggatt (Alloa Athletic)
202. Ben Gordon (Alloa Athletic)
203. James Creaney (Alloa Athletic)
204. Jason Marr (Alloa Athletic)
205. Ryan McCord (Alloa Athletic)
206. Willie Robertson (Alloa Athletic)
207. Stephen Simmons (Alloa Athletic)
208. Graeme Holmes (Alloa Athletic)
209. Andy Kirk (Alloa Athletic)
210. Kevin Cawley (Alloa Athletic)
211. Badge (Cowdenbeath)
213. Grant Adam (Cowdenbeath)
214. John Armstrong (Cowdenbeath)
215. David Cowan (Cowdenbeath)
216. Keith Adamson (Cowdenbeath)
217. Nathaniel Wedderbirn (Cowdenbeath)
218. Thomas O'Brien (Cowdenbeath)
219. Lewis Milne (Cowdenbeath)
220. Jordan Morton (Cowdenbeath)
221. Marc McKenzie (Cowdenbeath)
222. Andrew Russell (Cowdenbeath)
223. Kane Hemmings (Cowdenbeath)
224. Jamie Stevenson (Cowdenbeath)
225. Badge (Dumbarton)
227. Jamie Ewings (Dumbarton)
228. Aaron Barry (Dumbarton)
229. Andy Graham (Dumbarton)
230. Scott Agnew (Dumbarton)
231. Paul McGinn (Dumbarton)
232. Chris Turner (Dumbarton)
233. Scott Linton (Dumbarton)
234. Hugh Murray (Dumbarton)
235. Colin Nish (Dumbarton)
236. Mitchel Megginson (Dumbarton)
237. Mark Gilhaney (Dumbarton)
238. Steven McDougall (Dumbarton)
239. Badge (Dundee)
241. Kyle Letheren (Dundee)
242. Declan Gallagher (Dundee)
243. Ryan Conroy (Dundee)
244. Gary Irvine (Dundee)
245. Carlo Monti (Dundee)
246. Iain Davidson (Dundee)
247. Gavin Rae (Dundee)
248. Jim McAlister (Dundee)
249. Kevin McBride (Dundee)
250. Craig Wighton (Dundee)
251. Peter MacDonald (Dundee)
252. Steven Doris (Dundee)
253. Badge (Falkirk)
255. Michael McGovern (Falkirk)
256. David McCracken (Falkirk)
257. Johnny Flynn (Falkirk)
258. Kyle Turnbull (Falkirk)
259. Stephen Kingsley (Falkirk)
260. Kieran Duffie (Falkirk)
261. Blair Alston (Falkirk)
262. Jay Fulton (Falkirk)
263. Conor McGrandles (Falkirk)
264. Craig Sibbald (Falkirk)
265. Philip Roberts (Falkirk)
266. Rory Loy (Falkirk)
267. Badge (Hamilton Academicals)
269. Kevin Cuthbert (Hamilton Academicals)
270. Ziggy Gordon (Hamilton Academicals)
271. Martin Canning (Hamilton Academicals)
272. Michael Devlin (Hamilton Academicals)
273. Stephen Hendrie (Hamilton Academicals)
274. Anthony Andreu (Hamilton Academicals)
275. Alex Neil (Hamilton Academicals)
276. Grant Gillespie (Hamilton Academicals)
277. Ali Crawford (Hamilton Academicals)
278. James Keatings (Hamilton Academicals)
279. Jon McShane (Hamilton Academicals)
280. Darian MacKinnon (Hamilton Academicals)
281. Badge (Livingstone)
283. Darren Jamieson (Livingstone)
284. Callum Fordyce (Livingstone)
285. Jason Talbot (Livingstone)
286. Connor McDonald (Livingstone)
287. Simon Mensing (Livingstone)
288. Coll Donaldson (Livingstone)
289. Ross Docherty (Livingstone)
290. Martin Scott (Livingstone)
291. Stefan Sougall (Livingstone)
292. Andy Barrowman (Livingstone)
293. Danny Mullen (Livingstone)
294. Marc McNulty (Livingstone)
295. Badge (Greenock Morton)
297. Derek Gaston (Greenock Morton)
298. Michal Habai (Greenock Morton)
299. Mark McLaughlin (Greenock Morton)
300. Scott Taggart (Greenock Morton)
301. Marc Fitzpatrick (Greenock Morton)
302. Jonathan Page (Greenock Morton)
303. Reece Hands (Greenock Morton)
304. Fouad Bachirou (Greenock Morton)
305. David O'Brien (Greenock Morton)
306. Tony Wallace (Greenock Morton)
307. Kabba-Modou Cham (Greenock Morton)
308. Doug Imrie (Greenock Morton)
309. Badge (Queen of the South)
311. Calum Antell (Queen of the South)
312. Ian McShane (Queen of the South)
313. Andy Dowie (Queen of the South)
314. Ryan McGuffie (Queen of the South)
315. Chris Higgins (Queen of the South)
316. Stephen McKenna (Queen of the South)
317. Kevin Holt (Queen of the South)
318. Paul Burns (Queen of the South)
319. Michael Paton (Queen of the South)
320. Daniel Carmichael (Queen of the South)
321. Derek Lyle (Queen of the South)
322. Iain Russell (Queen of the South)
323. Badge (Raith Rovers)
325. David McGurn (Raith Rovers)
326. Jason Thomson (Raith Rovers)
327. Paul Watson (Raith Rovers)
328. Callum Booth (Raith Rovers)
329. Dougie Hill (Raith Rovers)
330. Joe Cardle (Raith Rovers)
331. Kevin Moon (Raith Rovers)
332. Liam Fox (Raith Rovers)
333. Grant Anderson (Raith Rovers)
334. Ross Callachan (Raith Rovers)
335. Greig Spence (Raith Rovers)
336. Calum Elliott (Raith Rovers)
337. Badge (Airdrieonians)
338. Scott Gallacher (Airdrieonians)
339. Gregor Buchanan (Airdrieonians)
340. Darren McCormack (Airdrieonians)
341. Grant Evans (Airdrieonians)
342. Chris O'Neil (Airdrieonians)
343. Jamie Bain (Airdrieonians)
344. Martin Hardie (Airdrieonians)
345. Nathan Blockley (Airdrieonians)
346. David Sinclair (Airdrieonians)
347. Willie McLaren (Airdrieonians)
348. Lewis Coult (Airdrieonians)
349. Jim Lister (Airdrieonians)
350. Badge (Arbroath)
351. Scott Morrison (Arbroath)
352. Ricky Little (Arbroath)
353. Alex Keddie (Arbroath)
354. Michael Travis (Arbroath)
355. Colin Hamilton (Arbroath)
356. Alan Cook (Arbroath)
357. Darren Smith (Arbroath)
358. David Banjo (Arbroath)
359. Paul Sherrin (Arbroath)
360. Ross Chisholm (Arbroath)
361. Bobby Linn (Arbroath)
362. Steven Milne (Arbroath)
363. Badge (Ayr United)
363. Badge (Ayr United)
364. David Hutton (Ayr United)
365. Gordon Pope (Ayr United)
366. Adam Hunter (Ayr United)
367. Alan Lithgow (Ayr United)
368. Michael Donald (Ayr United)
369. Michael McGowan (Ayr United)
370. Robbie Crawford (Ayr United)
371. Antony Marenghi (Ayr United)
372. Scott McLaughlin (Ayr United)
373. Craig Malcolm (Ayr United)
374. Mark Roberts (Ayr United)
375. Michael Moffat (Ayr United)
376. Badge (Brechin City)
377. Graeme Smith (Brechin City)
378. Johnny Brown (Brechin City)
379. Graham Hay (Brechin City)
380. Steven Jackson (Brechin City)
381. Gerry McLauchlan (Brechin City)
382. Paul McLean (Brechin City)
383. Stuart Anderson (Brechin City)
384. Craig Molloy (Brechin City)
385. Bobby Barr (Brechin City)
386. Allan Walker (Brechin City)
387. Alan Trouten (Brechin City)
388. Andy Jackson (Brechin City)
389. Badge (Dunfermline Athletic)
390. Ryan Scully (Dunfermline Athletic)
391. Ross Millen (Dunfermline Athletic)
392. Kerry Young (Dunfermline Athletic)
393. Callum Morris (Dunfermline Athletic)
394. Stephen Husband (Dunfermline Athletic)
395. Ryan Thomson (Dunfermline Athletic)
396. Shaun Byrne (Dunfermline Athletic)
397. Joshua Falkingham (Dunfermline Athletic)
398. Andrew Geggan (Dunfermline Athletic)
399. Alex Whittle (Dunfermline Athletic)
400. Jordan Moore (Dunfermline Athletic)
401. Ryan Wallace (Dunfermline Athletic)
402. Badge (East Fife)
403. Greg Paterson (East Fife)
404. Scott Durie (East Fife)
405. Joe Mbu (East Fife)
406. Gary Thom (East Fife)
407. Steven Campbell (East Fife)
408. Johnny Stewart (East Fife)
409. Paul Willis (East Fife)
410. Ryan Stewart (East Fife)
411. Ross Brown (East Fife)
412. Scott McBride (East Fife)
413. Liam Buchanan (East Fife)
414. Pat Clarke (East Fife)
415. Badge (Forfar Athletic)
416. Darren Hill (Forfar Athletic)
417. Mark Baxter (Forfar Athletic)
418. Darren Dods (Forfar Athletic)
419. Marvin Andrews (Forfar Athletic)
420. Iain Campbell (Forfar Athletic)
421. James Dale (Forfar Athletic)
422. Gavin Malin (Forfar Athletic)
423. Neil McCabe (Forfar Athletic)
424. Omar Kader (Forfar Athletic)
425. Chris Templeman (Forfar Athletic)
426. Dale Hilson (Forfar Athletic)
427. Gavin Swankie (Forfar Athletic)
428. Badge (Rangers)
429. Cameron Bell (Rangers)
430. Lee Wallace (Rangers)
431. Sebastien Faure (Rangers)
432. Bilel Mohsni (Rangers)
433. Robbie Crawford (Rangers)
434. Lewis McLeod (Rangers)
435. Ian Black (Rangers)
436. Nicky Law (Rangers)
437. Lee McCulloch (Rangers)
438. David Templeton (Rangers)
439. Andrew Little (Rangers)
440. Jon Daly (Rangers)
441. Badge (Stenhousemuir)
442. Chris Smith (Stenhousemuir)
443. Nicky Devlin (Stenhousemuir)
444. Ross Smith (Stenhousemuir)
445. Ross McMillan (Stenhousemuir)
446. Eddie Malone (Stenhousemuir)
447. Kevin McKinlay (Stenhousemuir)
448. Sean Dickson (Stenhousemuir)
449. Brown Ferguson (Stenhousemuir)
450. Craig Anderson (Stenhousemuir)
451. Sean Higgins (Stenhousemuir)
452. Darren Smith (Stenhousemuir)
453. John Gemmell (Stenhousemuir)
454. Badge (Stranraer)
455. David Mitchell (Stranraer)
456. Scott Robertson (Stranraer)
458. Frank McKeown (Stranraer)
459. David MacGregor (Stranraer)
460. Mark Docherty (Stranraer)
461. Grant Gallagher (Stranraer)
462. Chris Aitken (Stranraer)
463. Sean Winter (Stranraer)
464. Mark Corcoran (Stranraer)
465. Martin Grehan (Stranraer)
466. Jamie Longworth (Stranraer)
467. Badge (Albion Rovers)
468. Badge (Annan Athletic)
469. Badge (Berwick Rangers)
470. Badge (Clyde)
471. Badge (East Stirling)
472. Badge (Elgin City)
473. Badge (Montrose)
474. Badge (Peterhead)
475. Badge (Queens Park)
476. Badge (Stirling Albion)
488. Trophy (Championship)
489. Trophy (League 1)
490. Trophy (League 2)
Scottish Professional Football League - Premiership
5. Team Photo (Aberdeen)
6. Team Photo (Aberdeen)
7. Badge (Aberdeen)
8. Jamie Langfield (Aberdeen)
10. Russell Anderson (Aberdeen)
11. Ryan Jack (Aberdeen)
12. Mark Reynolds (Aberdeen)
13. Joe Shaughnessy (Aberdeen)
14. Clark Robertson (Aberdeen)
15. Willo Flood (Aberdeen)
16. Jonny Hayes (Aberdeen)
17. Niall McGinn (Aberdeen)
18. Peter Pawlett (Aberdeen)
19. Josh Magennis (Aberdeen)
20. Calvin Zola (Aberdeen)
21. Team Photo (Celtic)
22. Team Photo (Celtic)
23. Badge (Celtic)
24. Fraser Forster (Celtic)
26. Efe Ambrose (Celtic)
27. Charlie Mulgrew (Celtic)
28. Virgil van Dijk (Celtic)
29. Emilio Izaguirre (Celtic)
30. Adam Matthews (Celtic)
31. Scott Brown (Celtic)
32. Joe Ledley (Celtic)
33. Beram Kayal (Celtic)
34. Kris Commens (Celtic)
35. Georgios Samaras (Celtic)
36. Anthony Stokes (Celtic)
37. Team Photo (Dundee United)
38. Team Photo (Dundee United)
39. Badge (Dundee United)
40. Radoslaw Cierzniak (Dundee United)
41. David Goodwillie (Dundee United)
42. Paul Paton (Dundee United)
43. Sean Dillon (Dundee United)
44. Calum Butcher (Dundee United)
45. Keith Watson (Dundee United)
46. Stuart Armstrong (Dundee United)
47. Ryan Gaulo (Dundee United)
48. Andy Robertson (Dundee United)
49. Gary MacKay-Steven (Dundee United)
50. John Rankin (Dundee United)
51. David Goodwillie (Dundee United)
52. Nadir Ciftci (Dundee United)
53. Team Photo (Heart of Midlothian)
54. Team Photo (Heart of Midlothian)
55. Badge (Heart of Midlothian)
56. Jamie MacDonald (Heart of Midlothian)
57. (Heart of Midlothian)
58. Dylan McGowan (Heart of Midlothian)
59. Kevin McHattie (Heart of Midlothian)
60. Brad McKay (Heart of Midlothian)
61. Danny Wilson (Heart of Midlothian)
62. Jamie Hamill (Heart of Midlothian)
63. Ryan Stevenson (Heart of Midlothian)
64. Jamie Walker (Heart of Midlothian)
65. Jason Holt (Heart of Midlothian)
66. David Smith (Heart of Midlothian)
67. Scott Robinson (Heart of Midlothian)
68. Callum Paterson (Heart of Midlothian)
69. Team Photo (Hibernian)
70. Team Photo (Hibernian)
71. Badge (Hibernian)
72. Ben Williams (Hibernian)
74. James McPake (Hibernian)
75. Paul Hanlon (Hibernian)
76. Michael Nelson (Hibernian)
77. Lewis Stevenson (Hibernian)
78. Tom Taiwo (Hibernian)
79. Liam Craig (Hibernian)
80. Owain Tudor Jones (Hibernian)
81. Paul Heffernan (Hibernian)
82. James Collins (Hibernian)
83. Danny Handling (Hibernian)
84. Rowan Vine (Hibernian)
85. Team Photo (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
86. Team Photo (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
87. Badge (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
88. Dean Brill (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
90. David Raven (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
91. Gary Warren (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
92. Josh Meekings (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
93. Graeme Shinnie (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
94. Liam Polworth (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
95. James Vincent (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
96. Nick Ross (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
97. Aaron Doran (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
98. Ross Draper (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
99. Billy McKay (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
100. Richie Foran (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
101. Team Photo (Kilmarnock)
102. Team Photo (Kilmarnock)
103. Badge (Kilmarnock)
104. Craig Samson (Kilmarnock)
106. James Fowler (Kilmarnock)
107. Jerden Tesselaar (Kilmarnock)
108. Darren Barr (Kilmarnock)
109. Rory McKeown (Kilmarnock)
110. Sean Clohessy (Kilmarnock)
111. Sammy Clingan (Kilmarnock)
112. Barry Nicholson (Kilmarnock)
113. Rabiu Ibrahim (Kilmarnock)
114. Manuel Pascall (Kilmarnock)
115. William Gros (Kilmarnock)
116. Kris Boyd (Kilmarnock)
117. Team Photo (Motherwell)
118. Team Photo (Motherwell)
119. Badge (Motherwell)
120. Lee Hollis (Motherwell)
122. Simon Ramsden (Motherwell)
123. Zaine Francis-Angol (Motherwell)
124. Steven Hammell (Motherwell)
125. Stephen McManus (Motherwell)
126. Shaun Hutchinson (Motherwell)
127. Stuart Carswell (Motherwell)
128. Keith Lasley (Motherwell)
129. Iain Vigors (Motherwell)
130. Henri Anier (Motherwell)
131. John Sutton (Motherwell)
132. James McFadden (Motherwell)
133. Team Photo (Partick Thistle)
134. Team Photo (Partick Thistle)
135. Badge (Partick Thistle)
136. Scott Fox (Partick Thistle)
138. Aaron Taylor-Sinclair (Partick Thistle)
139. Aaron Muirhead (Partick Thistle)
140. Stephen O'Donnell (Partick Thistle)
141. Conrad Balatoni (Partick Thistle)
142. Stuart Hannigan (Partick Thistle)
143. James Craigen (Partick Thistle)
144. Isaac Osbourne (Partick Thistle)
145. Sean Welsh (Partick Thistle)
146. Steven Lawless (Partick Thistle)
147. Kris Doolan (Partick Thistle)
148. John Baird (Partick Thistle)
149. Team Photo (Ross County)
150. Team Photo (Ross County)
151. Badge (Ross County)
152. Mark Brown (Ross County)
154. Ben Gordon (Ross County)
155. Scott Boyd (Ross County)
156. Mihael Kovacevic (Ross County)
157. Brian McLean (Ross County)
158. Richard Brittain (Ross County)
159. Stuart Kettlewell (Ross County)
160. Rocco Quinn (Ross County)
161. Darren Maatsen (Ross County)
162. Graham Carey (Ross County)
163. Kevin Luckassen (Ross County)
164. Ivan Sproulle (Ross County)
165. Team Photo (St. Johnstone)
166. Team Photo (St. Johnstone)
167. Badge (St. Johnstone)
168. Alan Mannus (St. Johnstone)
170. Tom Scobbie (St. Johnstone)
171. Steven Anderson (St. Johnstone)
172. Frazer Wright (St. Johnstone)
173. Dave MacKay (St. Johnstone)
174. Gary McDonald (St. Johnstone)
175. Patrick Cregg (St. Johnstone)
176. Murray Davidson (St. Johnstone)
177. David Wotherspoon (St. Johnstone)
178. Nigel Hasselbaink (St. Johnstone)
179. Steven MacLean (St. Johnstone)
180. Stevie May (St. Johnstone)
181. Team Photo (St. Mirren)
182. Team Photo (St. Mirren)
183. Badge (St. Mirren)
184. David Cornell (St. Mirren)
186. Danny Grainger (St. Mirren)
187. Marc McAusland (St. Mirren)
188. Darren McGregor (St. Mirren)
189. David van Zanten (St. Mirren)
190. Jim Goodwin (St. Mirren)
191. Paul McGowan (St. Mirren)
192. Gary Harkins (St. Mirren)
193. Gary Teale (St. Mirren)
194. Conor Newton (St. Mirren)
195. Kenny McLean (St. Mirren)
196. Steven Thompson (St. Mirren)
Scottish Professional Football League - Championship
199. Scott Bain (Alloa Athletic)
200. Michael Doyle (Alloa Athletic)
201. Daryll Meggatt (Alloa Athletic)
202. Ben Gordon (Alloa Athletic)
203. James Creaney (Alloa Athletic)
204. Jason Marr (Alloa Athletic)
205. Ryan McCord (Alloa Athletic)
206. Willie Robertson (Alloa Athletic)
207. Stephen Simmons (Alloa Athletic)
208. Graeme Holmes (Alloa Athletic)
209. Andy Kirk (Alloa Athletic)
210. Kevin Cawley (Alloa Athletic)
211. Badge (Cowdenbeath)
213. Grant Adam (Cowdenbeath)
214. John Armstrong (Cowdenbeath)
215. David Cowan (Cowdenbeath)
216. Keith Adamson (Cowdenbeath)
217. Nathaniel Wedderbirn (Cowdenbeath)
218. Thomas O'Brien (Cowdenbeath)
219. Lewis Milne (Cowdenbeath)
220. Jordan Morton (Cowdenbeath)
221. Marc McKenzie (Cowdenbeath)
222. Andrew Russell (Cowdenbeath)
223. Kane Hemmings (Cowdenbeath)
224. Jamie Stevenson (Cowdenbeath)
225. Badge (Dumbarton)
227. Jamie Ewings (Dumbarton)
228. Aaron Barry (Dumbarton)
229. Andy Graham (Dumbarton)
230. Scott Agnew (Dumbarton)
231. Paul McGinn (Dumbarton)
232. Chris Turner (Dumbarton)
233. Scott Linton (Dumbarton)
234. Hugh Murray (Dumbarton)
235. Colin Nish (Dumbarton)
236. Mitchel Megginson (Dumbarton)
237. Mark Gilhaney (Dumbarton)
238. Steven McDougall (Dumbarton)
239. Badge (Dundee)
241. Kyle Letheren (Dundee)
242. Declan Gallagher (Dundee)
243. Ryan Conroy (Dundee)
244. Gary Irvine (Dundee)
245. Carlo Monti (Dundee)
246. Iain Davidson (Dundee)
247. Gavin Rae (Dundee)
248. Jim McAlister (Dundee)
249. Kevin McBride (Dundee)
250. Craig Wighton (Dundee)
251. Peter MacDonald (Dundee)
252. Steven Doris (Dundee)
253. Badge (Falkirk)
255. Michael McGovern (Falkirk)
256. David McCracken (Falkirk)
257. Johnny Flynn (Falkirk)
258. Kyle Turnbull (Falkirk)
259. Stephen Kingsley (Falkirk)
260. Kieran Duffie (Falkirk)
261. Blair Alston (Falkirk)
262. Jay Fulton (Falkirk)
263. Conor McGrandles (Falkirk)
264. Craig Sibbald (Falkirk)
265. Philip Roberts (Falkirk)
266. Rory Loy (Falkirk)
267. Badge (Hamilton Academicals)
269. Kevin Cuthbert (Hamilton Academicals)
270. Ziggy Gordon (Hamilton Academicals)
271. Martin Canning (Hamilton Academicals)
272. Michael Devlin (Hamilton Academicals)
273. Stephen Hendrie (Hamilton Academicals)
274. Anthony Andreu (Hamilton Academicals)
275. Alex Neil (Hamilton Academicals)
276. Grant Gillespie (Hamilton Academicals)
277. Ali Crawford (Hamilton Academicals)
278. James Keatings (Hamilton Academicals)
279. Jon McShane (Hamilton Academicals)
280. Darian MacKinnon (Hamilton Academicals)
281. Badge (Livingstone)
283. Darren Jamieson (Livingstone)
284. Callum Fordyce (Livingstone)
285. Jason Talbot (Livingstone)
286. Connor McDonald (Livingstone)
287. Simon Mensing (Livingstone)
288. Coll Donaldson (Livingstone)
289. Ross Docherty (Livingstone)
290. Martin Scott (Livingstone)
291. Stefan Sougall (Livingstone)
292. Andy Barrowman (Livingstone)
293. Danny Mullen (Livingstone)
294. Marc McNulty (Livingstone)
295. Badge (Greenock Morton)
297. Derek Gaston (Greenock Morton)
298. Michal Habai (Greenock Morton)
299. Mark McLaughlin (Greenock Morton)
300. Scott Taggart (Greenock Morton)
301. Marc Fitzpatrick (Greenock Morton)
302. Jonathan Page (Greenock Morton)
303. Reece Hands (Greenock Morton)
304. Fouad Bachirou (Greenock Morton)
305. David O'Brien (Greenock Morton)
306. Tony Wallace (Greenock Morton)
307. Kabba-Modou Cham (Greenock Morton)
308. Doug Imrie (Greenock Morton)
309. Badge (Queen of the South)
311. Calum Antell (Queen of the South)
312. Ian McShane (Queen of the South)
313. Andy Dowie (Queen of the South)
314. Ryan McGuffie (Queen of the South)
315. Chris Higgins (Queen of the South)
316. Stephen McKenna (Queen of the South)
317. Kevin Holt (Queen of the South)
318. Paul Burns (Queen of the South)
319. Michael Paton (Queen of the South)
320. Daniel Carmichael (Queen of the South)
321. Derek Lyle (Queen of the South)
322. Iain Russell (Queen of the South)
323. Badge (Raith Rovers)
325. David McGurn (Raith Rovers)
326. Jason Thomson (Raith Rovers)
327. Paul Watson (Raith Rovers)
328. Callum Booth (Raith Rovers)
329. Dougie Hill (Raith Rovers)
330. Joe Cardle (Raith Rovers)
331. Kevin Moon (Raith Rovers)
332. Liam Fox (Raith Rovers)
333. Grant Anderson (Raith Rovers)
334. Ross Callachan (Raith Rovers)
335. Greig Spence (Raith Rovers)
336. Calum Elliott (Raith Rovers)
Scottish Professional Football League - League 1
337. Badge (Airdrieonians)
338. Scott Gallacher (Airdrieonians)
339. Gregor Buchanan (Airdrieonians)
340. Darren McCormack (Airdrieonians)
341. Grant Evans (Airdrieonians)
342. Chris O'Neil (Airdrieonians)
343. Jamie Bain (Airdrieonians)
344. Martin Hardie (Airdrieonians)
345. Nathan Blockley (Airdrieonians)
346. David Sinclair (Airdrieonians)
347. Willie McLaren (Airdrieonians)
348. Lewis Coult (Airdrieonians)
349. Jim Lister (Airdrieonians)
350. Badge (Arbroath)
351. Scott Morrison (Arbroath)
352. Ricky Little (Arbroath)
353. Alex Keddie (Arbroath)
354. Michael Travis (Arbroath)
355. Colin Hamilton (Arbroath)
356. Alan Cook (Arbroath)
357. Darren Smith (Arbroath)
358. David Banjo (Arbroath)
359. Paul Sherrin (Arbroath)
360. Ross Chisholm (Arbroath)
361. Bobby Linn (Arbroath)
362. Steven Milne (Arbroath)
363. Badge (Ayr United)
363. Badge (Ayr United)
364. David Hutton (Ayr United)
365. Gordon Pope (Ayr United)
366. Adam Hunter (Ayr United)
367. Alan Lithgow (Ayr United)
368. Michael Donald (Ayr United)
369. Michael McGowan (Ayr United)
370. Robbie Crawford (Ayr United)
371. Antony Marenghi (Ayr United)
372. Scott McLaughlin (Ayr United)
373. Craig Malcolm (Ayr United)
374. Mark Roberts (Ayr United)
375. Michael Moffat (Ayr United)
376. Badge (Brechin City)
377. Graeme Smith (Brechin City)
378. Johnny Brown (Brechin City)
379. Graham Hay (Brechin City)
380. Steven Jackson (Brechin City)
381. Gerry McLauchlan (Brechin City)
382. Paul McLean (Brechin City)
383. Stuart Anderson (Brechin City)
384. Craig Molloy (Brechin City)
385. Bobby Barr (Brechin City)
386. Allan Walker (Brechin City)
387. Alan Trouten (Brechin City)
388. Andy Jackson (Brechin City)
389. Badge (Dunfermline Athletic)
390. Ryan Scully (Dunfermline Athletic)
391. Ross Millen (Dunfermline Athletic)
392. Kerry Young (Dunfermline Athletic)
393. Callum Morris (Dunfermline Athletic)
394. Stephen Husband (Dunfermline Athletic)
395. Ryan Thomson (Dunfermline Athletic)
396. Shaun Byrne (Dunfermline Athletic)
397. Joshua Falkingham (Dunfermline Athletic)
398. Andrew Geggan (Dunfermline Athletic)
399. Alex Whittle (Dunfermline Athletic)
400. Jordan Moore (Dunfermline Athletic)
401. Ryan Wallace (Dunfermline Athletic)
402. Badge (East Fife)
403. Greg Paterson (East Fife)
404. Scott Durie (East Fife)
405. Joe Mbu (East Fife)
406. Gary Thom (East Fife)
407. Steven Campbell (East Fife)
408. Johnny Stewart (East Fife)
409. Paul Willis (East Fife)
410. Ryan Stewart (East Fife)
411. Ross Brown (East Fife)
412. Scott McBride (East Fife)
413. Liam Buchanan (East Fife)
414. Pat Clarke (East Fife)
415. Badge (Forfar Athletic)
416. Darren Hill (Forfar Athletic)
417. Mark Baxter (Forfar Athletic)
418. Darren Dods (Forfar Athletic)
419. Marvin Andrews (Forfar Athletic)
420. Iain Campbell (Forfar Athletic)
421. James Dale (Forfar Athletic)
422. Gavin Malin (Forfar Athletic)
423. Neil McCabe (Forfar Athletic)
424. Omar Kader (Forfar Athletic)
425. Chris Templeman (Forfar Athletic)
426. Dale Hilson (Forfar Athletic)
427. Gavin Swankie (Forfar Athletic)
428. Badge (Rangers)
429. Cameron Bell (Rangers)
430. Lee Wallace (Rangers)
431. Sebastien Faure (Rangers)
432. Bilel Mohsni (Rangers)
433. Robbie Crawford (Rangers)
434. Lewis McLeod (Rangers)
435. Ian Black (Rangers)
436. Nicky Law (Rangers)
437. Lee McCulloch (Rangers)
438. David Templeton (Rangers)
439. Andrew Little (Rangers)
440. Jon Daly (Rangers)
441. Badge (Stenhousemuir)
442. Chris Smith (Stenhousemuir)
443. Nicky Devlin (Stenhousemuir)
444. Ross Smith (Stenhousemuir)
445. Ross McMillan (Stenhousemuir)
446. Eddie Malone (Stenhousemuir)
447. Kevin McKinlay (Stenhousemuir)
448. Sean Dickson (Stenhousemuir)
449. Brown Ferguson (Stenhousemuir)
450. Craig Anderson (Stenhousemuir)
451. Sean Higgins (Stenhousemuir)
452. Darren Smith (Stenhousemuir)
453. John Gemmell (Stenhousemuir)
454. Badge (Stranraer)
455. David Mitchell (Stranraer)
456. Scott Robertson (Stranraer)
458. Frank McKeown (Stranraer)
459. David MacGregor (Stranraer)
460. Mark Docherty (Stranraer)
461. Grant Gallagher (Stranraer)
462. Chris Aitken (Stranraer)
463. Sean Winter (Stranraer)
464. Mark Corcoran (Stranraer)
465. Martin Grehan (Stranraer)
466. Jamie Longworth (Stranraer)
Scottish Professional Football League - League 2
468. Badge (Annan Athletic)
469. Badge (Berwick Rangers)
470. Badge (Clyde)
471. Badge (East Stirling)
472. Badge (Elgin City)
473. Badge (Montrose)
474. Badge (Peterhead)
475. Badge (Queens Park)
476. Badge (Stirling Albion)
Scottish Professional Football League - Trophies
487. Trophy (Premiership)488. Trophy (Championship)
489. Trophy (League 1)
490. Trophy (League 2)
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